Get Started > Finance
Microhydro Finance
Installing a micro hydropower system can be a significant financial investment and very much depends on site specific factors. Before getting started, get to know the types of costs that you can expect over the course of the project, as well as the economic benefits that will come from a successful and well-maintained installation.
Landowners with dams face two alternatives with regard to the future of their dam and in comparison to the status quo: (1) micro hydropower installation and (2) dam removal. A primary cost of the status quo is the liability associated with potential dam failure as well as ongoing maintenance to prevent the dam from eroding. This section of the website provides an overview of costs and benefits, and includes a detailed financial spreadsheet model that you can tailor to your needs. It also presents how micro hydropower owners can sell their electricity using a power purchase agreement (PPA) or by setting up a community distributed generation (CDG).
Initial Cost
There will be costs associated with each step along the way to implementing a micro hydropower system: from determining whether your site is suitable for a turbine and all the requirements for permitting, to purchasing and installing the system itself.
Ongoing Cost
There are maintenance costs associated with a micro hydropower system. Ensuring the system is running safely and efficiently requires regular maintenance: from cleaning the trash rack to replacing bearings and other mechanical equipment.
Land owners first have to determine whether micro hydropower is possible at their site: what type of technology will be utilized, how much power can be produced, and how will the system tie into the grid (if at all)? If a dam is part of the project, the condition of the dam may impact the feasibility.
Permitting is required as part of the regulatory requirements for installing a micro hydropower system. Permitting is likely to include an ecological assessment, as well as engagement with upstream and downstream neighbors and other stakeholders. For projects that are modifying an existing dam, there will be additional permitting requirements including local, state and potentially federal agencies.
Most of the cost of the hydropower system lie in the the purchase of the system itself, with maintenance costs being relatively low. Installations on dams will also require regular dam maintenance to ensure its safety. If no micro power system is installed, landowners are still likely to face the costs of dam maintenance.
Financing Micro Hydropower
The cost of installing and owning a micro hydropower system can be significant. Once a system is running, it does come with economic benefits of reducing one’s electric bill, receiving Renewable Energy Credits and potentially a revenue stream from electricity sales. As the system owner, you create energy that can be used to power your own home, or be sold back to the grid. There are a variety of ways to pay for the costs of installing a micro hydro system.
Owner Financing
The owner of a site can pay for the installation and maintenance of a micro hydropower project personally, perhaps via a bank loan, without seeking external investors. When possible, this is the simplest form of project financing. More on this topic in Ownership Model section below
External Financing
The owner of a site can seek external funding to offset the out-of-pocket cost. There are a variety of financing options available to support the development of renewable energy projects. While these financing models for small-scale projects are common in solar and energy efficiency, be aware that micro hydro “pioneers” will face some additional challenges modifying these financial approaches to micro hydropower installations.
Financial Models Overview
After considering all environmental factors related to our project site, its dam and the microhydro installation, we would like to focus on the presentation of the options for dam owners or hydro-site owners to sell their hydropower and to create a revenue stream from their hydroelectric generation. These revenue streams can be categorized into three different financial models: Ownership, Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), and Community Distributed Generation (CDG). Depending on who uses the electricity, who operates the site, who markets the electricity, and how the electricity is marketed as well as other site-specifics, a hydro-site owner can or cannot use one or another.
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The Ownership Model
The first and simplest economic model to consider is the ownership model, where the hydro-site owner purchases all system equipment and pays for construction, maintenance and operating costs associated with planning and installing the system or consults with a hydropower developer. If you are considering this model you may pay cash for these costs, or take out a loan, find grants, or purchase the system from a developer over time using lease-to-own financing.
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Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Model
Utilizing a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is suitable where the hydro project is owned and/or operated by one entity, and the offtaker with load (the entity that is using the electricity) is a different entity. The offtaker entity purchases the energy output from the generator entity and the revenue from the energy sale is used to finance the construction of the project, sometimes by a third-party investor.
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Community Distributed Generation (CDG) Model
The Community Distributed Generation (CDG) model is a program that allows the hydro-site owner to allocate energy output to other electricity customers who sign a subscription agreement. The parties involved in a CDG are the “CDG Host”, who owns or operates the hydro facility, the subscribers, who are electricity customers that agree to accept renewable generation credits from their host on their electric bill, and the utility, facilitating the delivery and credit allocation.
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Micro Hydro Financial Model Example
Walk through the costs and benefits of installing a micro hydropower system on your site with this step-by-step spreadsheet. This interactive tool illustrates how different scenarios and circumstances could affect the cost of a system.
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Saw Kill Project Finances
The Saw Kill Project is funded by NYSERDA's Energy to Lead Competition 2016. The competition is part of the REV Campus Challenge and awarded grants to three campuses to pursue renewable energy projects.
For more about Energy to Lead:
Check back for updates about the Saw Kill Project.
Question: What is Dam-Free Micro-Hydropower?
Question: How do I identify a good site for potential Dam-Free Micro-Hydropower development?
Question: How does the statewide potential of Dam-Free Micro-Hydropower compare to the otherwise existing hydropower development potential?
Question: Does Dam-Free Micro-Hydropower have to fulfil the same permitting requirements as conventional hydropower?
Question: What is the main benefit of Dam-Free Micro-Hydropower?
Question: As a CDG host, will I need legal representation?
Question: How much effort is it to manage the CDG?
Question: What are typical questions from new subscribers?
- What benefits can I expect from this program?
- Do I need to send you a year’s worth of my electric bills?
- Can I opt out easily?
- Are you an ESCO?
- Am I buying part of the hydro plant by signing up?
- As a subscriber, do I have to maintain anything?
- What happens if I move?
- How much will I save on my electric bill?
- Will I lose money if there is a drought?
- Is there a subscription cost or any other fee?
- How does the billing work?
- What percentage of your production do I get credit for?
- Am I changing utilities?
- Why do I have to pay a second bill? Can’t you just bill me through the utility?
- Can I use automatic payment or a credit card?
Question: How much effort is it to sign a new subscriber?
Question: How can I estimate the value stack for my project?
Question: What is the Value Stack?
Question: How does the pricing and billing work? As a host, how much do I charge CDG subscribers?
Question: What happens if the kWh generation exceeds the sum of kWh used by all subscribers.
Question: What happens if the CDG produces more kWh than planned (due to higher flows) and that output exceeds the amount of energy that the subscriber consumes?
Question: What if a subscriber uses less or more energy than they subscribed to receive?
Question: What does the bill look like for CDG subscribers?
Question: Who is responsible for utility grid upgrade costs?
Question: Will my microhydro system require upgrades to the utility grid?
Question: Will I need a transformer upgrade?
Question: Does the utility provide a high level interconnection feasibility overview for a site prior to the submission of an interconnection application?
Question: What is a demand metered host?
Question: What is a demand meter?
Question: What kind of meter do I need at my microhydro site?
Question: Does my site need to be inspected?
Question: Will I lose power during a utility outage?
Question: What sized system should I install?
Question: How do I apply for interconnection?
- Complete standard application form (Appendixes B & C)
- New York State Standardized Acknowledgement of Property Owner Consent Form – For Systems above 50 kW up to 5 MW Only (Appendix H)
- For residential systems rated 50 kW and below, a signed copy of the standard contract (Appendix A)
- Letter of authorization, signed by the Customer, to provide for the contractor to act as the customer’s agent, if necessary
- If requesting a new service, a site plan with the proposed interconnection point identified by a Google Earth, Bing Maps, or similar satellite image. For those projects on existing services, account and meter numbers shall be provided
- Description / Narrative of the project and site proposed. If multiple DG systems are being proposed at the same site/location, this information needs to be identified and explained in detail
- DG technology type
- DG fuel source / configuration
- Proposed project size in AC kW
- Project is net metered, remote, or community net metered
- Metering configuration
- Copy of the certificate of compliance referencing UL 1741
- Copy of the manufacturer’s data sheet for the interface equipment
- Copy of the manufacturer’s verification test procedures, if required
- System Diagram – A three-line diagram for designs proposed on three phase systems, including detailed information on the wiring configuration at the PCC and an exact representation of existing utility service. One-line diagram shall be accepted for single phase installations
Question: Why don’t I just do net metering instead of setting up a CDG?
Question: What is net metering?
Question: What other costs will be added to the rate by the utility?
Question: How long does it take to get responses from the utility?
Question: How quickly can a subscriber join a CDG?
Question: Can you set up a CDG host, register subscribers and complete the process online?
Question: What paperwork does the utility require to add customers as CDG subscribers?
Question: How long does the CDG host application process with the utility take?
Question: How do I approach interconnection as a part of the process to apply to be a CDG host with my utility?
Question: How do I find out who my utility is?
Question: What is the utility’s role in CDG?
Question: Where can I find more information about CDG?
Question: Is there a waiting list to become a CDG host?
Question: What documents do I need to apply to be a CDG host?
- Copy and proof of acceptance of your registration with the NYS Department of State and a copy of your certificate of assumed name (if applicable);
- Sample sales agreements, including customer disclosure statements, and sample bills for each customer class for each material category of the CDG or On-Site Mass Market products or services that will be offered;
- Copies of information and promotional materials used for mass marketing purposes for each product offering;
- A list of entities, including contractors and sub-contractors, that market on behalf of your company;
- The NYS DPS Office of Consumer Services Service Provider Form [NYS DPS Office of Consumer Services Service Provider Form]
Question: Who can subscribe? What are the requirements for CDG subscribers?
Question: What happens with the offtaker’s current electricity provider / retailer with a PPA?
Question: How do I find a PPA-offtaker for my microhydro generation?
Question: What are some typical causes of system downtime or outages?
Question: What happens to the PPA if the project goes offline?
Question: How will a microhydro project which is not eligible for the federal production tax credit attract investors?
Question: What is the typical return on investment (ROI) time period?
Question: How is the pricing of the PPA structured? Is it a fixed rate per kWh? Is there an escalator?
Question: How does the kWh rate for a microhydro PPA in New York compare to existing grid rates?
Question: Can I profit from a PPA?
Question: As a site with microhydro potential considering a PPA, what costs will I have to outlay initially?
Question: What are the soft costs from permitting, real estate, legal and underwriting?
Question: What if I want to sell my property / move?
Question: Who owns and profits from the RECs in a PPA model?
Question: Do you get to use rebates and tax credits with a lease?
Question: What is a payment escalator?
Question: What happens to my lease if I sell my property?
Question: Do I need to own my home to qualify for a microhydro lease?
Question: Can you terminate the lease and require the hydro company to remove the system?
Question: What happens at the end of a lease term?
Question: Who repairs and maintains the system if I lease it?
Question: Who handles the environmental assessment, the permitting and coordination with local, state and federal agencies?
Question: How does leasing work?
Question: Under what circumstances does a loan make sense?
- You are comfortable owning and maintaining the system yourself or hiring a company to deal with maintenance but still being the ultimate responsible party for the microhydro plant.
- If federal tax credits are available, your tax bill is larger than the tax credits you will get from the system.
- You are comfortable taking out a loan and have a good credit rating.
Question: What questions should I ask if I am considering owning?
- Do you want the responsibility to own or do you prefer that someone else deal with the responsibilities?
- Do you have the cash to pay the up-front costs?
- Are you able to benefit from tax credits, if applicable?
- Are you willing to spend cash reserves or take out a loan? Is your credit strong enough to get a loan?
Question: Should I buy or lease my system?
Question: Do I need to interconnect with the electricity grid?
Question: How much power do I need to fully offset the use in my home?
Question: How much electricity do I need to fully offset the consumption in my home?
- the size of your home,
- quality of building envelope,
- the number of inhabitants and their use patterns,
- the degree of electrification of your home (electric heating, electric cooking, electric warm water), and
- the energy efficiency (also age) of your appliances and devices.